Chastisement to self.
Category: Uncategorized
Things I think about when I think about redrafting
Several lists of things I think about when I think about redrafting. The editing process, I suppose….
Rewriting my rules
On how I stopped writing for writing’s sake, and instead learnt to write better, by reading, listening and thinking. Hard stares and ginger beer all round.
Writer’s woe
I have decided, with a typically male lack of need for scientific, or indeed, observable, corroboration, that I have writer’s woe.
London Book Fair virgin #LBF10
In which I describe losing my London Book Fair virginity. Quick, embarrassing, and not eked out to make it value for money. No change there, then.
Refocus – London Book Fair Masterclass #lbf10masterclass
Brief report from the London Book Fair Masterclass today for aspiring authors – entitled ‘How to get published.’
Muscle memory
Homicidal thoughts on the towpath, out for a run in the sun. Disturbed by Transition, by Iain Banks.
Wallander – plot tactics and formations
On dynamics within plot, and how Mankell’s Wallander is a superior crime drama.
Au revoir mes enfants, bonjour les grotesques
Musing on characterisation, and getting the right blend of child/adult and monster/alien in my fiction.
The fear #1
A fictionalised account of a powercut, and the thoughts that might, or might not, go through a neurotic writer’s head. He was probably reading Saramago’s ‘Blindness’ or some sociopathic rant on the future of publishing at the time or perhaps had simply spent too long on Facebook. You decide.